Market Report


Click HERE for the latest Market Report in full detail

Last Sale Roundup - Tuesday 19th of November.
Total yarding 438 head with 11 head sold by Open Auction
Yard averaged 217.44c/kg averaging $741.44/head

75 Bulls averaged 219.2c/kg selling to a top of 274.2c/kg

87 Cows averaged 205.6c/kg to a top of 242.2c/kg

54 Steers averaged 269.7c/kg selling to a top of 302.2c/kg

62 Heifers averaged 173.2c/kg selling to a top of 228.2c/kg

31 Yearling bulls averaged 211.5c/kg selling to a top of 298.2c/kg

53 Yearling heifers averaged 292.9c/kg selling to a top of 322.2c/kg

65 Yearling steers averaged 292.9c/kg selling to a top of 322.2c/kg

1+1 Cow and calf @$1000

7+7 Cows and calves @$850

2+2 Cows and calves @$675

1+1 Cow and calf @$325

A little bit of background information when reading the market report:

The letters A - E refer to butt shape/muscling of the beast, with A being the best (well muscled) and E the worst (no muscle).

The numbers 1-6 refer to the amount of fat cover, with 1 being skinny (less than 2mm on the rump) and 6 being overfat (32mm + on rump)


Catagory D3 refers to animals that are of average butt muscle and average fat coverage - they are not fat, but they are also not poor.